Friday, December 9, 2011

Marvin Saved the Day

Marvin Saved the Day
By Dylan

Once it was a sunny day and everything was peaceful. Then a black hole appeared and Princess Peach was gone. So Marvin and Lefty searched and searched. They could not find her. Everything was silent and that was a bad thing. They saw Gumba . Then they stepped on it . They just kept on going on there way. On there way they saw suspicious person siting down. Marvin said, "What's your name?" "My name is Shroom," said Shroom. "shroom?" asked Lefty. Shroom said, "I could help you." SoMarvin told Shroom about Princess Peach being gone. They decide to work as a team. Marvin lead the team. They worked together to defeat Bowser! The evil guy! Shroom got flying power. Marvin got ice power. Lefty got fire power . They got these from Bullet Bob with their powers they defeated Bowser. They rescued Princess Peach. They lived happily ever after.

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